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Rabu, 03 Mei 2017

English paper Breech Birth

To Fulfill The Tasks Subjects English
Lecturers Mother Rizka Ayu Setyani

Elviana                                               (16150042)
Miftach Nur Khoirriyah                  (16150035
Megawati Mahardika                       (161500
Gita Purnama Sari                            (161500

YEAR 2016/2017

Praise the author turning to the presence of the Lord Almighty for the blessing and guidance so that I can finish making the English language paper about Sunsang birth.
The authors recognize that in the preparation of this paper are still far from perfection, in terms of both form and content, to the author of any suggestions and criticisms from all parties that are build.
On this occasion, I would like to say many thanks to lecturer in English which is always helpful in the conduct of lectures on campus.
Finally, no other words, the most effective hoped that this paper would be beneficial for all parties, both in the present and the future.

Breech deliveries or breech pregnancy is a term in which the location of the baby abnormal condition. If normally on a normal baby is under the baby's head near the cervix, but what happens in this breech deliveries is the opposite. Breech is itself a state in which the baby's buttocks or the legs of the baby's position is at the bottom of the mother or the uterine cavity uterine cavity also. Some of the most recent research suggests that this breech deliveries is not very dangerous if all the medical experts know how the best way to remove the baby.
This breech deliveries is a mother in labor process to remove the baby with the longitudinal position of the uterus where the baby's buttocks and leg positions pad first baby born when compared with other parts of the body.
 The breech deliveries provide its own anxiety on any pregnant women who experience it. Location of breech babies by elative can occur in a percentage of 3% to 4% of all the total labor. The breech deliveries can occur in the womb under the age of 28 weeks. But do not rule out also breech deliveries can occur in the womb over the age of 32 weeks. Location of the baby in the mother's womb all depends on the process of adaptation to the baby itself. Pregnancy age has not stepped 32 weeks, the amniotic fluid in the womb tend to be very much., That way your baby will be free to move.
When you enter a period of gestation trimester the baby will grow rapidly but maternal amniotic fluid will decrease. (Another interesting article: Childbirth Normal)
Therefore, buttocks and legs is larger than the head. Then forced to baby's buttocks will take place more freely inside the uterine fundus. The breech it self divided into three types, namely Frank Breech breech (breech presentation). Breech can occur as much as 50% to 70%. Location of breech babies can occur caused by an extension of the knee joint, as well as the legs are so lifted up on the tip with high infant baby's head or shoulder. Incomplete breech of footling where this breech occurs when the baby's buttocks and legs are not perfect, who lay on the side of the buttocks is just one leg while the other leg lifted to the top. The last complete breech breech. Breech presentation of this type occurs in 5% to 10%.

Aside from the breech position of the baby in the womb was influenced by such things as the following:
1. Mother has less oval shape of the uterus, the amniotic fluid of the womb that is still a lot of the baby also has a head that big relatife.
2. Infants in untu very easy to move, causing symptoms hidramnion.
3. Pelvic mothers are small and tend to narrow.
4. Abnormalities that occur in the baby's head caused by anencephalus, hydrocephalus, and others.
Breech deliveries is very dangerous for both the mother and the baby itself. You should often consult your doctor so that together with the breech pregnancy can be detected early and you can take further action in order to change the position of your baby

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